James Kim's profile

My Freshman College Story

My Freshman College Story
May 2022
My freshman college story begins in Syracuse, NY. 

Syracuse International Airport that is.

After leaving our home in California early in the morning, my family and I arrived at Syracuse a little after 2 am. 

Much to our dismay, there were 0 Ubers available at that time.

At a freakin’ international airport. 

Mumbling and grumbling under our breaths, we soon became the only family at the airport.
Mom: "James, you should've just gone to Berkeley"

Dad: "zzzz"
When we finally arrived at my assigned dorm the next morning, the Holland International Living Center (HILC), I was happy.

Until I looked over at Ganędagǫ.
I pay the same housing as the people who live in Ganedago
Apparently, HILC was made to help international students find community at Cornell. 

So I was confused why I was assigned to HILC for mainly one reason: 

I was born in the US.

I was also raised in the US.

Nevertheless, with a grateful heart, my family helped me unpack all my belongings,

and before I knew it, I was waving goodbye to my crying parents.
Mom said the food was just TOO good
As I was sitting in my uncomfortable dorm chair, I realized that I was by myself. 

By myself in a community where I knew no one and no one knew me. 

By myself in a place where everything familiar to me was across the country.

A part of me wanted to stay in California. 

But another part of me wanted to prove to myself that I could find my own identity and belonging in a foreign place— even if I was all alone.

But ever so quickly, I learned that I wasn’t alone. 

Quite literally, there was someone always close by. 

In the small confines of my forced-triple dorm room was my random roommate, Eric.

Eric and I discovered that we share a lot of similarities:

We both liked playing ping pong.

And we both... liked watching ping pong.
Ecstatic Eric
Interestingly, one of the first things Eric told me was, “I’m Christian, too” after noticing the Bible on my desk. 

Coming into college, I knew I wanted to be involved in a Christian campus fellowship, and now, 

I had a friend I could explore these fellowships with.
Eric and I learn there’s more to explore than just Christian fellowships
Together, we stumbled upon a fellowship we enjoyed and soon, I found myself surrounded by more and more people.

The two of us became three…
Insert: Derpy Derek

Derek has the broadest shoulders I’ve ever seen.
And the three of us became six…
Insert: Abnormal Angie, Goofy Grace, Exotic Elisabeth
Throughout our busy weeks, we made time to have fun, and some of these memories, I don’t think I’ll ever forget.

We munched together…
Cooking means stealing and reheating the already cooked dining-hall chicken
I don’t think Elisabeth likes when I take pictures of her eating
We played games together…
Unamusing dance battles
Angie doesn’t know how to draw a spoon
And we explored the outdoors together…
REAL snow angels
Angie shows us what a concrete angel is
And when you live in Ithaca and the only place to go off campus is DP Dough, you have to start getting real creative with how you have fun.
Grace and Elisabeth like being touchy
A little too touchy
But we also did the things the average Cornell student does with their friends for fun too.
Studying together
As the weather started to get colder, these were the people that made me feel warm and toasty inside. 

We could be sharing deeply one moment and the very next, completely make a fool of ourselves.
The girls made us do this
But don’t get me wrong. We didn’t just come to college to have fun. 

All of us had psets due each week and many of us had biweekly life crises figuring out what we wanted to do with our majors, vocations, and lives. 

Many times, we had to “isolate” from each other (as Grace likes to say) to focus and get our work done on time.
Eric said he concentrates better with his eyes closed
I think Angie said the same thing
Derek: “Just one more round”
Despite my busy schedule, I’m proud to say I got all my work done on time because I’d usually pace it out throughout the week. 

This way, I’d never have to cram an assignment 2 hours before the deadline.
Don’t mess with Cherrie when her essay is due in 2 hours

Coming into college, I definitely wanted to figure out what I wanted to study but I also wanted to be intentional with the people around me, forming friendships that went beyond just the surface level small talk.

Some people reminded me of family.
Me and my brother, Sabrina
Some people I met were super wise…
Wise Grace is always ready to impart her knowledge to me
While others, not so much.
This is the same person
A couple friends and I became regulars at 7-Eleven and the name “7/11” began to symbolize that we would hang out from 11pm to 7am.
“Look guys, it’s only 3am!”
And of course, I can’t not mention the leader of our 7-Eleven crew: Amy.
Amy is tired. 

Tired of us saying no to trips to 7-Eleven
While I was meeting all these new people, I realized that everyone has their own unique quirk and charisma that you would have never guessed by just looking at them.
Aleena has a bright future as a design major
Simon (pre-dent) shows us the proper way to brush our teeth
Micah seizes every opportunity to study. 

Even the 3 minute break during dance practice
Even whilst surrounded by so many people every day, it would be a lie to say that there weren’t moments when I felt lonely.

There were times I wanted to call it quits, feeling overwhelmed with trying to balance between studying for prelims (midterms), grinding through cs assignments, and spending time with friends.

But because of those moments, I realized how grateful I was for the people that remained consistent and never failed to reach their hand out to me first.
The best Wednesday small group
My small group leader, Sophia.

W is for the best Wednesday small group

As someone from California, I’ve only ever known of two seasons: a hot summer and an even hotter summer.

So coming to Ithaca, I realized how beautiful it was to see leaves changing colors and snow falling from the sky.
My view on the walk to class
I learned what “flurries” are, what it means for snow to “stick,” and that “brick” is slang for “it’s freakin’ cold.”
Three Southern Californians brace for the fierce winter
And as the weather started to get warmer and the cherry blossoms started to bloom, so did love.
So close... yet so far... Simon wishes he was Sarah’s green jacket
Cherrie and Melody make me feel lonely (and block my view of the front)

At first, I didn’t want to be seen as a freshman. 

I made sure to never wear a lanyard around my neck while walking around campus.

But as the semester went on, I realized that being a freshman meant being spoiled by the upperclassmen, and I’m not gonna lie, it felt good to be babied.
Caring Cherrie baked cookies and delivered it to all the freshmen
Whenever I needed advice, whether it be about academics, relationships, or my faith, upperclassmen were always willing to reach out a hand

Usually in the form of grabbing a meal with me.
Great food, greater company
Others showed their love in different ways.
Affectionate Andrew holds his hand out for me to grab so I don’t lag too far behind
Luscious Laz gives me a complimentary haircut
Adorable Alan risks a ticket so the freshies can go home safely
These people made me look forward to being a sophomore. 

Not because I didn’t want to be seen as a freshman or wanted to stop being pampered,
but because they made me want to pass down this same love and kindness to the freshmen below me.
Dashing Daniel and Beefy Barry can’t escape our skinship

College life became so busy that I barely had time to think of the people back home.

Yet the people back home reminded me that there were still people across the country thinking about me.
Care package from mama and papa Kim.

Note says: We love you so much. Eat healthy and study hard.

As cliché as it is, college really is a time of learning and I learned a lot this year.

I learned how freakin’ hard it is to get a good haircut in Ithaca.

I’ve traveled close and far in search of a satisfactory barber but no one comes even close to the skillful and caring hands of mama Kim.
One of many failed haircuts. 

I was so sad I bought myself a consolation sandwich
On a more positive note, 

I learned how clean armpits could be when you wax them,
Fresh ‘pits x2
I learned that dancing is actually kinda fun 

(only if Grace and Ro-Ann are the teachers),
Emerging kpop group 
Boyz Re-Generation”
And above all, 

I learned that change isn’t so bad. 

The period of adjustment to something new and unfamiliar has always been hard on me.

But before I knew it, the overwhelmingly big Cornell campus became my playground, and at some point during the year, my perception of HILC began to change.

HILC was where I went after a long day on campus to recharge and rest.

But HILC was also where we played, where we celebrated birthdays, where we would stay up talking until unholy hours of the night.
HILC was home.
“Breakfast anyone?”

Ironically enough, I’ll be living in Ganędagǫ next year. 

It’s the place I’ve wanted to be since the beginning.

Yet the small, shoddy dorm known as HILC embodies my freshman experience. 

It’s where everything started and where it ends as I move out.
Sleepless nights
Elisabeth said freshman year was so great because she came in with no expectations. 

She’s right. 

In the beginning, we were just a bunch of clueless freshmen trying to absorb everything around us and find where we belonged in this foreign place.

Maybe that’s why every experience was so fresh and exciting.
Our first “Perfect Match” experience

Next year, I’ll be back. 

Back to the busy college grind, and back with my friends. 

And this time around, a lot more things will be familiar. 

But whatever sophomore year may bring, I’m thankful. 

I’m thankful for the people I’ve met, how I’ve changed, and who I’ve become.

I’m thankful for the memories— 

and I can’t wait to go back.
Thanks HILC
- James Kim
My Freshman College Story

My Freshman College Story

It's been a memorable year.


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